Articles about Maximilian
Mipcom’s mega screening session
The TV biz is taking a leaf out of the film industry’s book by increasing the number of new-product screenings it hosts. Key beneficiaries of this trend include MipTV and Mipcom, which have bagged several big premieres.
Taken to the Max
Martin Ambrosch, the writer behind German crime drama Anatomy of Evil and the forthcoming historical series Maximilian, tells DQ about the challenge of meeting his own ambitions on screen.
MipTV celebrates Germany
Germany will be the focal point of a series of high-profile events at MipTV 2016. So this week we’re taking a look at the international market’s growing interest in German-language drama.
Max power
Andreas Prochaska, director of Austrian period drama Maximilian, reveals the challenges of realising an epic, action-packed script while sticking to a strict budget.
Hitting the right spot
Looking for Victorian London? Try Dublin. Or perhaps you’re after the kind of quintessentially Italian setting one can only find in Prague? From tax credits to geography and architecture, DQ examines the factors far beyond plotlines that play a part in selecting drama production locations.
Max power
Andy Fry on the team behind big-budget historical copro Maximilian, plus the new show in the works from Ripper Street’s Richard Warlow and the transgender addition to Transparent’s writing staff.