Articles about Witnesses
France’s finest
From a pair of mystery dramas and the introduction of the ‘female Columbo’ to the story of a film director forced to make a new version of King Kong for a power-mad dictator, French drama is set to enjoy a breakout year. DQ casts its eye over some of the new series coming to the small screen.
Women re-energise crime drama
In honour of ITV’s Brit noir series Marcella, we look at some of the women detectives who have helped reinvigorate a genre that used to be the preserve of cantankerous middle-aged men.
The world of drama in 2015
The US still dominates drama exports, but in the last Hit & Miss column of the year we take a look at some of the new shows from other countries that have punched above their weight in 2015.
AMC’s Dead cert
Anything associated with AMC’s international mega-hit The Walking Dead was always likely to be a success, and so it proved this week with the premiere of spin-off Fear the Walking Dead – despite a tepid reaction from critics.
Right place, right time
As The Americans finds a new home on ITV Encore, just how important is finding the right slot and channel for a new drama series? Meanwhile, viewers fail to show up for C4’s Witnesses and Syfy’s Sharknado sweeps social media.
Must-see TV
Andy Fry wonders whether US networks will come looking for Witnesses following its runaway success in France, and examines how Jane the Virgin has seduced viewers and critics alike.