Articles about The Exorcist
NBC has strong start with This Is Us
The US autumn schedule has begun well for NBC’s This Is Us and CBS’s reboot of MacGyver. However, the new season has been overshadowed by the death of NCIS showrunner Gary Glasberg.
Watch all the best teasers and trailers from Comic-Con 2016
Comic-Con never fails to deliver when it comes to sneak peaks of new show, this year whetting fans’ appetites by teasing clips of shows ranging from the TV version of The Exorcist to long-awaited Neil Gaiman adaptation American Gods.
The opium of the TV drama business
The West may be an increasingly secular society, but TV writers continue to be fascinated with the subject of religion. This week we explore the way faith is portrayed in a range of current series.
Networks bank on movie magic
With reports this week that Sony Pictures Entertainment is planning a TV series based on the Angelie Jolie spy movie Salt, now seems as good a time as any to round up developments on the movie-to-TV adaptation front.