Articles about Globo
Born again
Rebirth artistic director Gustavo Fernandez breaks down his role on this Brazilian telenovela, his approach to remaking a hugely successful series from the 1990s, and how its themes have been updated for modern audiences.
Fresh Justice
Eight years after Brazilian crime drama Justice aired, writer Manuela Dias is back with a sequel, Justice: Misconduct. She speaks to DQ about turning the Globo drama into an anthology series, rooting the show in real life and moving stories away from princesses and heroes.
Crossing over
Thereza Falcão and Alessandro Marson, the writers behind Elas Por Elas (Crossed Paths), reveal why they wanted to remake this 1980s telenovela for modern audiences and outline how they did it.
Desire to Direct
Luiz Henrique Rios, the artistic director of Brazilian telenovela Terra e Paixão (Land of Desire), introduces this epic tale of a young woman’s search for justice and explains how it shows viewers a different side of Brazil.
Seeking perfection
Brazilian telenovela Amor Perfeito (Perfect Love) takes viewers into a fairytale that blends modern themes with a period setting. Writers Duca Rachid, Júlio Fischer and Elisio Lopes Jr explain how they brought the story to the screen.
Truth be told
Director Amora Mautner tells DQ about helming Hidden Truths 2, a Brazilian series that blends mystery, eroticism and seduction in the secret world of fashion.
The joy of Six
Éramos Seis (Once We Were Six) writer Ângela Chaves reveals how she brought a modern sensibility to a classic Brazilian novel and explains how music plays an important part in her storytelling.
On the Run
Daniel Ortiz, the writer behind Brazilian telenovela Salve-se Quem Puder (Run for your Lives), reveals the origins of this romantic comedy about three women who have to change their identities after witnessing a crime.
Keep dreaming
Paulo Halm and Rosane Svartman, the creators of Brazilian telenovela Totalmente Demais (Total Dreamer), discuss making the 130-hour series about a young girl who looks to escape her simple life by entering a modelling competition.
Brazil’s bright future
Carlos Manga Jr, the director behind Globo miniseries Unsoul and Aruanas, speaks to DQ about the changing direction of Brazilian series and the universal appeal of supernatural dramas.
Personal touch
Brazilian drama Onde Está Meu Coração (Where My Heart Is) charts the struggle of a doctor battling a devastating drug addiction. Director Luisa Lima tells DQ about her intimate approach behind the camera.
Night school
Carla Faour and Julia Spadaccini, the writers behind Brazilian series Segunda Chamada (Second Call), tell DQ why they wanted to shine a light on the country’s adult education system.
Dealing with expectation
Taís and Pedro face some life-changing decisions when they discover they are about to become parents in Brazilian series Pais de Primeira (First-Time Parents). Writer Antonio Prata tells DQ how the series was born.
Eco trip
Greenpeace, WWF and the UN are among the supporters of Brazilian drama Aruanas, which charts the work of environmental activists who investigate the suspicious activities of a mining company in the Amazon rainforest. DQ meets creator, writer and director Estela Renner.
All Eyes on Mariana
Brazilian actor Mariana Ximenes discusses taking centre stage in Globo limited series Si Cierro Los Ojos Ahora (If I Close My Eyes Now).
Taking Pride
The works of English author Jane Austen are the inspiration for Globo’s latest telenovela. Artistic director Fred Mayrink tells DQ about the drama and his approach to his craft.
Super Strong
George Moura and Sergio Goldenberg, writers of Brazilian ‘superseries’ Onde Nascem os Fortes (Land of the Strong), talk about how the country’s unique landscape inspired this story of love and tragedy.
Fighting back
Maria Camargo, lead writer of Brazilian drama Assédio (Harassment), tells DQ about the real-life themes and issues that inspired this series about a group of women who stand up to the doctor who sexually abused them.
Double trouble
Brazil’s Globo tackles the body-swap format in The Formula, which sees a scientist transform into a younger version of herself. DQ chats to leading actors Drica Moraes and Luisa Arraes about playing very different versions of the same character.
A bit on the Side
Brazilian screenwriter Walcyr Carrasco tells DQ how he was inspired by Voltaire’s Candide to create Globo telenovela The Good Side of Life and discusses the changing landscape of Brazilian drama.