Porn again

May 8, 2017


Danish drama Veni Vidi Vici, which airs on Nordic SVoD streamer Viaplay, tells the story of a struggling film director who decides to take a job in the adult entertainment industry.

Thomas Bo Larsen stars as Karstan Daugaard, who is soon confronted by the industry’s darkest aspects and is forced into a double life that endangers his whole family.

Speaking to DQ, writer/actor Rafael Edholm reveals the origins of the story and the enjoyment he took from playing with a genre still considered taboo.

Meanwhile, Jakob Mejlhede, Viaplay owner MTG’s exec VP and head of programming and content development, gives his verdict on the “truly original” series, which he says is not about porn but the vivid characters who make up the industry.

The 10-part show is produced by MTG Studios and distributed internationally by DRG.

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